How to improve yourself every day

How to improve yourself every day

Self-improvement is a journey from a person to a personality. Changing yourself for good is what makes you a successful person and an achiever. Self-improvement of personal development is a thing that you should do so that you become better and better every day. It is...
How to improve yourself every day

Self-development skills

Self-development skills: Self-development skills mean the necessary skills that are required for nourishing your brain and body and required for your success in whatever you do, business, or job. These are the skills that will help you throughout your entire career...
Holy month in 2021-How can coronavirus change Ramadan?

Holy month in 2021-How can coronavirus change Ramadan?

Ramadan begins in Islamic countries The annual fasting period for Islamic believers, Ramadan, begins Thursday night and runs through May 23rd. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, which is 29 or 30 days, depending on the orbit of the moon, and...
Holy month in 2021-How can coronavirus change Ramadan?

Stay safe in Ramadan

The greatest measure of charity is staying at home Despite the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, Muslims are getting ready for a segregated and single Ramadan, with millions cooped up at home under social lockdown and mosques covered. This year’s Ramadan has been...
FUN Fact

FUN Fact

FUN Fact I was born in Romania, having a Hungarian nationality and heritage, currently, I am in Qatar and living an Expat life in the Arab world, but I want to learn Spanish, siiisiii???? I am petit and I love it. I was an introvert – perfectionist, the worst...