Hey, There!
I’m Andrea.

Nothing is impossible when you put your mind, heart, soul, and sweat into it. Life will always be complicated, so I am learning to be happy now, using one of my favorite mantras, “I will.” I always remember that tomorrow is a wonderful gift and a new chance to try again.

I am not wasting my pain – I am recycling. If I have a bad day, I always remember that tomorrow is a wonderful gift and a new chance to try again.                                                                                               

From my point of view, we have three solutions to every problem anyhow. If we cannot accept it, then try to change it. If you cannot change it, then leave it. I am training my mind and heart every day to see the good in everything. Find something for what you can be thankful for.                                                                                                I want to be happy who builds my inner world step by step, not an unhappy person who blames the outer world for everything. I indeed learned from life until now that things do not always turn out the way you planned or the way you think they should.                                                                                                                                 

I realized what seemed to be a curse at a certain moment can be a blessing. No matter how difficult things seemed, there is always hope no matter how powerless I felt, I could not give up. I must keep going.

And you need to as well.

I am here to motivate you, to show you through my strength that whatever you are battling within the moment, trust me it will pass, and you will make it through.                                              We’ve made it so far. We can and we will overcome whatever comes next.

            Be your own Phoenix! Rely on your inner force!                                                                                                                                                      

                    Life is only as good as your mindset 

                           Reborn and Rise again!

Let me ask you a few question….

  • Are you happy with your current life path?
  • Are you healthy, wealthy, free, and independent financial?
  • Do you have all the information about how it is possible to have it all?
  • Do you hit your low point?
  • Do you think it cannot be worst?
  • Searching desperately for a solution?
  • Do you want to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

I am glad you are here.  You can Rely now on the Phoenix. On the Phoenix spirit which all we have it within us and find the power to become a better version of yourself.

Reliable Phoenix is all about finding and showing solutions (to our own problems), options for your situation either before, after or within a life crisis.

It can be health, self-development, business, or other fields. I am here to help you, encourage you, motivate you, and keep you on track throughout my journey.

A step-by-step guide, Tips & Tricks, pieces of advice, and more other plans waiting for you.

Let’s dive deeper…

Shall we?

I am positive this site is going to be a useful platform where I share my thoughts and experiences. I am aware that sometimes it can be difficult for the reader, for an immediate mindset swap. The person would expect a “magic pill” from me which will solve all his problems, but I can say for sure that without hard work and effort on yourself it is impossible to get where you are dreaming about. You and only you can take yourself there, your decisions and actions. We all are indeed different, with different goals, problems, backgrounds, beliefs, and hopes. If something applies to 10 people does not mean it will apply to the 11th person.  BUT still, I want to INSPIRE you!

I started as you and today I am a certified  Professional Happiness / Transformation / Law of Attraction & Mindfulness Life coach who seeks to learn more and more every day and to share it in many ways. And I am so confident that we can try our best to do so! That is being said, please show Goodwill, be enthusiastic and take my knowledge, also share yours with an open mind and heart. Let’s help each other to be our better version of ourselves. A happier, healthier, wealthier version . We can do it!

Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. So, just breathe and start the search here with Reliable Phoenix for solutions.

I created everything here by myself, the website, and everything on it.

I am a 100% novice, a non-tech savvy person. And I am here to show how I did it, step by step. As easiest and cheapest way possible. With a lot of freebies and tutorials.

Becoming financially independent, reaching meanwhile my ultimate goals which you can read in Fun fact.


Reliable Phoenix is a platform that aims to provide a solution to your numerous problem, be it health, self-improvement, business, or any field of life. I strive to help you in becoming a better version of yourself. Here at Phoenix, you will be encouraged and inspired by comprehensive guidance, handy tips, and counseling, keeping your life on track.

 Meet My Avatar’s

They will guide you through the website, highlighting essential information related to the main topics.