Bio Andrea

by | Apr 14, 2021 | Bio | 0 comments

Hi. Andrea here from Reliable Phoenix

The main reason behind this site is my personal luggage, which you can later unpack piece by piece.
I started this journey because I wanted, and I needed to become a healthier and happier person. I also want to find my dream job where I can be my boss and achieve freedom on my own terms.
My mission is to take control of my life in every aspect of it and encourage, also empower others with dynamism and healthy ambition.
With 17 years of experience in Management and sales in different fields and businesses, I learned the hard way meaning of a stressful and hectic life. My health was suffering, really bad.
Because of that in the last three years, my priorities changed completely. So today I can happily announce that I am a two times cancer (II stage & IV stage) and 1x coronavirus (Covid19) survivor (oh yeah this one attached me, too) – the reason why I started to see my life now in different lights and colors.
I am convinced that through my messages you will see also the rainbow again. We can rise from our ashes more than once! If somebody else did it already, you can be the next one easily. Just take action, even the smallest one. You read this so, the first one is taken. Soooo, Happy for you.

A few more things about me:

I am always a positive thinker, a harmony seeker in life. I definitely refuse to be my own struggles. I am the survivor who keeps moving forward despite them with the spirit of a Phoenix. Reliable Phoenix is my passion project. I believe the right words in a time of crisis can make a world of difference for someone. I believe that my “darkest times” in my life put me on a direct path to the absolute best times in my life. Even if we are not understanding what and why it is happening to us. Sometimes our most painful struggles can grant us the most necessary growth.
I encourage people to show up for their experience to feel their feelings, share what hurts, and ask for help. It’s the only way we can rebuild it together. A new era is beginning.
I do care about you. I am grateful that you are here, and I hope that we can keep up with each other.


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